Generate your application password
To connect your external applications such as Thunderbird, your calendar or your NAS, you must not use your account password. You need to generate an application password from your Leviia space, which will enable you to connect your different applications or tools. To begin, go to your account settings on In the "Security" tab, enter a name in the "Application name" field and clicFew readersUse 2FA authenticators
Two-factor authentication will no longer allow you to connect your applications with your password. Instead, you'll need to provide a one-time code to log in. This is an additional security feature for your account. To activate two-factor authentication, you need a TOTP application. You can choose the one that suits you best. In this tutorial, we'll be using "2FA Authenticator". On your phone, install the "2FA Authenticator" application. From your Play Store : (https://stoFew readersActivate and implement dual authentication (also known as 2FA or OTP)
Prerequisites Have sent an activation request to Have installed a 2FA application on your smartphone (here we use "2FA Authenticator ") Once your 2FA activation has been validated by support, go to and enter your login and password. A QR Code is displayed on your computer and you are asked to enter a one-time codFew readers