Using the API Leviia Drive - Curl
Files can be sent and received directly from the command line (e.g. for scripting). Curl installation : Whatever your platform, there's a good chance that the Curl binary will be ported for it, so install it : Once Curl is installed, use the following commands, replacing USER with your user name and PASSWORD with your application password. Send a file to Leviia :Few readersUsing the Leviia S3 API - Python
To manage your S3 objects and buckets at Leviia (in Python), you need the following library : You can install it with the following command : Start by building a customer object :Few readersUsing the Leviia Drive API - PHP
Installing PHP and its dependencies : To install PHP on your environment, go to: Once your PHP environment is up and running (hello-world.php is up and running), install php-curl and SabreDAV (WebDAV client for PHP). Here's an example, to be adapted to your environment, under Linux (Debian) : Click here for SabreDAV documentation : YFew readersUsing the Leviia Drive Pro API - Python
Initialization : This part of the code must be at the beginning of your program. import json import requests domain = ""; Your pro domain auth=('antoine', 'password'); admin user headers = "OCS-APIRequest": "true" Replace "domain", "antoine" and "password" with your domain name, username and password. Create a user :Few readersUsing the Leviia Drive API - Python
Initialization : This part of the code must be at the beginning of your program. Replace "user" and "password" with your login and your application password. List the contents of a folder :Few readers