Articles on: Object storage

Edit and delete object storage identifier in your Leviia dashboard

Access your identifier options
To edit or delete your identifier, click on the 3 small dots in the right-hand column of the table

Modify your identifier
On the modification page, you'll find your bucket's information in the top right-hand corner:
The number of buckets linked (an identifier can be linked to several buckets)
Status: active or inactive

You can edit the following settings (in yellow on the screenshot above):
The ID description, if it wasn't clear enough, or if, for example, you've associated this ID with another bucket and want to put this directory name in the description.
The status, if you think the ID has been compromised. You can then change the status again, or delete the ID if necessary.
You'll also find all the buckets linked to this ID, which you can access by clicking on them.

Deactivate your identifier
Please note that deactivating an identifier linked to a bucket also blocks access to the bucket in the console.

In the following example, deactivating the "Internal tools" identifier will deactivate access to the 3 linked buckets, which will be marked as "inactive" in the list of buckets.

At this point you can no longer access your bucket's options or delete it.
To be able to act on this bucket again, you must reactivate your identifier.

Delete your identifier
Deleting an ID is instantaneous and only possible if it is not linked to a bucket.
Indeed, an active bucket must be associated with an identifier.

To find out if you can delete an identifier, look in the list of buckets: the "linked buckets" column, and the presence of the delete option via the 3 small dots.

You can also check in the identifier modification page whether the delete button is active and whether there are any linked buckets.
In this example, the ID can be deleted because there are no linked buckets: the delete button is active:

On the contrary, in this case: deletion is not possible because the identifier is linked to 3 buckets. To delete this identifier, you must go to each bucket and replace the linked identifier.

Updated on: 05/01/2024

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